Store/Cheesecake +3 +2Cheesecake - Specialty$35.00Turtle CheesecakeSizes6" (+$35.00)9" (+$55.00)Please chooseFlavorsTurtlePumpkinLow SugarToppingsPlease chooseSTRAWBERRIES 6" (+$10.00)STRAWBERRIES 9" (+$12.00)SNICKERS 6" (+$10.00)SNICKERS 9" (+$12.00)NonePlease chooseSaucesPlease chooseBLUEBERRY (+$6.00)RASPBERRY (+$6.00)STRAWBERRY (+$6.00)CARAMEL (+$6.00)CHOCOLATE (+$6.00)PRALINE (+$6.00)NonePlease chooseIn stock: 89 availableQuantity:1Allowed purchase quantity: from 1 to 5 items Add More Add to BagGo to CheckoutProduct DetailsTurtle Cheese cake starts with Oreo crust and then we add a small layer of caramel and pecans before we add the cheesecake batter. After it is baked and cooled we top it with chocolate ganache, pecans and more caramel. 9" serves 12-16 6" serves 6-8.Show MoreSave this product for later Favorite Favorited View FavoritesShare this product with your friendsShareSharePin itCheesecake - Specialty